
Heart Ripples: the new Trollbeads starter bracelet

October is just at the beginning and Trollbeads is already delighting us with a new limited edition starter bracelet. Those who would like to start a new story, therefore, cannot miss this wonderful opportunity.
“Heart of Ripples” consists of a sterling silver bracelet with an exclusive silver bead with heart motif, a silver lock with ripples across its clasp and a stunning glass bead soaked in soft blue, all in the theme of ripples in the water.

Trollbeads Starter Bracelet Heart Ripples

The Trollbeads Day’s history

For those of you that aren’t familiar with this brand, the Trollbeads day is an annual celebration that begins in 2014. Every year Trollbeads celebrates Trollbeads Day all over the world. It is a day where people celebrate and share their stories and their affection to Trollbeads. Each year on Trollbeads Day, usually in June, a new limited-edition bead or bracelet is introduced.

Trollbeads Day
